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Rethinking the Intersection of Religion and Science: Lessons from History and Beyond

This article is from my notes for a book I’m writing. With the recent opening

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Unravelling the Myth of a Stress-Free Past: A Personal Exploration

“Remember the good old days?” That’s a question we hear a lot, right? It seems

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My views on Mahatma Gandhi!

Mahatma Gandhi, a name widely recognized across the globe, holds a significant position in the

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Yeh Nathi Hamari Kismat !

ये न थी हमारी क़िस्मत, कि विसाल-ए-यार होताअगर और जीते रहते, यही इंतज़ार होता विसाल =

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Sri Aurobindo – The great Indian Philosopher!

August 15th is also the birthday of India’s best modem philosopher and spiritual Guru, Sri

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Can any ass become a leader?

What is a more crucial technical skill or leadership skill? The most common complaint that

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Happy Birthday K

Today, on 11th May, India’s most outstanding spiritual leader J Krishnamurty was born. He was

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दिल ही तो है, न संग-ओ-ख़िश्त, दर्द से भर न आए क्यों !

दिल ही तो है, न संग-ओ-ख़िश्त, दर्द से भर न आए क्यों रोएंगे हम हज़ार

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